Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Pursuit is Optional

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

The “pursuit” of happiness is neither “required” nor an unalienable “right” (endowed by a “Creator”).

Happiness need not be pursued to be experienced. Happiness is an emotion. Humans can be he happy or not at any time both for and without any reason – regardless of what they do or do not do or pursue. (more…)

An Epidemic of Ideas

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Money, love, and happiness are NOT taught in school.

Each of us is a teacher (whether we realize it or not) – and it is our duty to teach and share what we know. That’s our “job”. It is also a “reason” we had to go through all sorts of things (first). I’ve written more than once that humans are story creatures and that we are creatures of habit (who tend to do the same things over and over again on a daily basis). Developing enough “escape velocity” to overcome “habit gravity” is often challenging – especially alone. (more…)

Rules to live by

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

Most religious, philosophies, and organizations have rules, guidelines, codes of conduct, or even commandments. Rather than list those that are well-known, I’d rather introduce you to a few you may not have seen before – in the hope that you not only read (and remember) them, but are able to improve the quality of your life and those around you from doing so. (more…)