Posts Tagged ‘Rights’

Pursuit is Optional

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

The “pursuit” of happiness is neither “required” nor an unalienable “right” (endowed by a “Creator”).

Happiness need not be pursued to be experienced. Happiness is an emotion. Humans can be he happy or not at any time both for and without any reason – regardless of what they do or do not do or pursue. (more…)

I.O.U.S.A., Inc.

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

On each side of WATER are BANKS – which contain and control the flow, or CURRENT. What most people think of MONEY is actually (fiat) CURRENCY flowing from and controlled by (“financial”) CENTRAL BANKS. Unlike MONEY, neither CURRENT paper nor digital CURRENCY has ANY inherent VALUE – or “redeemable” backing by anything that does. Federal Reserve NOTES are NOT MONEY. They are instruments of DEBT. (more…)